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Review of Sixth of the Dusk of Brandon Sanderson

Sixth of the Dusk - Brandon Sanderson



So this was my first Sanderson book. I saw a review (http://drunkendragonreviews.wordpress.com/2014/10/23/sixth-of-the-dusk-by-brandon-sanderson/) from one of my favorite review sites, Drunken Dragon (http://drunkendragonreviews.wordpress.com), and it enticed me to pick this up. I must say, I really enjoyed Sanderson's writing. I was engrossed from the beginning and absolutely loved his characters. This review will be a tad short as it was an extremely short story and I don’t want to slip and give anything away.


The world was extremely interesting; a jungle that only the bravest dare to venture with creatures that go bump in the night and people-killing plants. Fun stuff. It wasn’t too far out there that I couldn’t get a picture, but it was different enough I had to use my imagination. What a great combination.


Another layer of interest was our character’s bird companions and their abilities. I love animals, so it pulled me into the story even more. It was definitely something different, for me anyways, and the mystery of it all was rolled out to perfection; tidbits here and there, making every word you read important.


Dusk is a great character that is well developed and actually grows, even in such a short story. He’s got a nice well rounded personality and Sanderson nailed him as a reclusive guy that can still function around others but notices things about social people. People talk a lot was one of my favorite. Another one: It wasn’t a question, so he didn’t respond. It was interesting to get things from his PoV. Which brings me to another part I loved: It was in his PoV the entire time; never switching so it got me closer to the character. I think that’s important with a book so small. If Sanderson had hopped around to a bunch of different characters, I don’t think I would have enjoyed it as much.


As far as the writing goes, it was very smooth and I slipped into my reading trance by the first paragraph. I never put the story down nor had a desire to do so. Really engaging pacing and prose.


Overall, I think this story was a good way to feel out Sanderson’s writing, not to mention it was wonderfully entertaining. I’ve added his Mistborn series to my list and look forward to reading it.

Source: http://booksbylkevans.com/2014/10/30/review-of-the-unbound-man-by-matt-karlov